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Ok,continueDeals {5218} damage to all enemies in range and stuns them for 3 seconds.
When killed, deals {2631} damage to all opponents and reduces their Accuracy by {60} for 5 seconds.
Gorell enters the body of a hawk at the start of battle to scout the enemy. Adds {1908} to Defense and {20%} to the Control Resilience of all allies for 15 seconds.
Adds {200} to Command.
Deals damage equivalent to 200% of the troop's attack to the enemy.
Iron Production increased by 100%.
Spearmen Attack increased by 30%.
Spearmen Defense increased by 30%.
Gorell is a leader of the Free Folk and a powerful warg. From a young age, he has had the ability to control the ravens. He wields a staff made of Weirwood that he believes enhances his warg abilities.
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